Sorting beans and the Investigative Judgment
My heart is like the unopened bag of pinto beans – it looks good through the package, but mixed in with the good beans are the anomalies that defile.
My heart is like the unopened bag of pinto beans – it looks good through the package, but mixed in with the good beans are the anomalies that defile.
When truth is rejected, it is rejected with ‘commands’ to silence the messengers and to hide, lie about or destroy the evidence.
In delivering us from sin, it is not enough that we shall be saved from the sins that we have actually committed; we must be saved from committing other sins. And that this may be so, there must be met and subdued this hereditary liability to sin: we must become possessed of power to keep us from sinning—a power to conquer this liability, this hereditary tendency that is in us, to sin.
The year following the 1888 General Conference, E. J. Waggoner wrote, “The great characteristic of faith is that it works. We do not mean that works are attached to it, but works come from it. “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” James 2:26. Faith ‘works by love,’ says Paul. There may be that which is called faith, but if no works proceed from it, it is not faith."
What a world of comfort in that statement that we are “all of one;” that we have exactly the same right to call God our Father that Christ has.
Since the Sabbath is the sign of a perfect creation completed, and by the cross of Christ a new creation is accomplished, the Sabbath must be the sign of the cross. Try it and see if it is not.
The minister of the Gospel has but one commission, namely, “Preach the word.” In no other way in the world can men be made better. Therefore the minister who turns his attention to politics is denying his calling.
People are in danger of closing their eyes to truth as it is in Jesus, because it contradicts something which they have taken for granted as truth but which the Holy Spirit teaches is not truth.
"You cannot be the slave of two masters! You will like one more than the other or be more loyal to one than the other. You cannot serve both God and money." --Jesus
Some on becoming Christians seem to think it is necessary to leave unbelieving employers and get among those who have the same faith, forgetting that a light is needed only where there is darkness.