"Sow Beside All Waters."
ON the barren, stony soil,
Sow the gospel seed;
Sow with unremitting toil,
Sow 'mid thorn and weed,
Sow 'mid thorn and weed,
Sow in hearts where't seems in vain,
Deeply dyed with sin's dark stain;
Sow in hearts laid low by pain,
Sow in hearts that bleed.
In sunshine or in storm,
Sow, yes, sow it still;
In the evening as at noon,
Every moment fill.
Sow, for harvest time is near
Sow, for harvest time is near
When the Reaper shall appear;
Sow though skies be dark or clear,
Sow when winds are chill.
Sow beside the water's edge,
All along the way—
In the highway, by the hedge,
Sowing day by day.
Sow though weary be your feet,
Sow, for swift the moments fleet;
Sow in field, in lane, in street,
Sow, yet ever pray.
Where a human soul doth live,
There with patience sow,
Trusting God the rain will give,
Causing it to grow.
Sow where seed was sown of yore,
Though no sign of fruit it bore;
Sow where none have sown before—
Sow where none have sown before—
Sow where'er you go.
Sow wherever hearts are sore,
Where in gloom they weep;
Sow the seed yet still the more,
Should other sowers sleep.
Onward let your watchword be,
Sowing for eternity;
Golden grain you soon will see,
Golden grain you soon will see,
And with gladness reap.
—Pearl Waggoner.