power of God

"What Is the Gospel?" by E. J. Waggoner.

Excerpt from article: "Since sin is the transgression of a law, it is evident that to save one from sin, or from the transgression of the law, is the same thing as making and keeping him obedient to the law. Therefore the gospel is the revelation of the power of God to work righteousness in men—to manifest righteousness in their lives.

The Power of Forgiveness

One of the most common expressions to be heard among professed Christians when speaking of religious things, is this, “I can understand and believe that God will forgive sin, but it is hard for me to believe that he can keep me from sin.” Such a person has yet to learn very much of what is meant by God’s forgiving sins.  Ellet J. Waggoner

The Sabbath and the Cross

We are reconciled to God by the death of Christ, and saved by His life. The life, which does this, is the life from which all created things came, and by which they exist. The power of redemption is the power of creation, and that is the power of the life of Christ. The Sabbath is a great memorial of the wonderful works of God, which are the measure of His graciousness. He gave it that we might know that He is the Lord that sanctifies us.