Not Able to Help Ourselves
The Pagan maxim, which too many quote as though it were Bible, is, “God helps him who helps himself.” But the truth revealed in the Bible is that God helps the man who is not able to help himself.
The Pagan maxim, which too many quote as though it were Bible, is, “God helps him who helps himself.” But the truth revealed in the Bible is that God helps the man who is not able to help himself.
If you are going to preach to me, or try to teach me, tell me only what you know, not what you think. Neither waste time telling me what you believe.
Don’t give me your belief that a thing is so as authority for it.
It is well to remember that it is not the wrong that another does that leads to evil feelings on our part, but the wrong that is in our own heart stirs up the resentment at an affront.
The greatest measure of power is experienced in perfect submission.
One of the peculiarities of the human mind is that while it readily grasps a pleasing story or a fable, it refuses to accept truth until it is compelled to.
Men wrest the Scriptures refusing to accept that Jesus took the nature of His brethern and instead cling for dear life to the fable that He came in Adam's nature before Adam sinned.
"Christ was sinless; the law was in his heart. As the Son of God his life was worth more than those of all created beings, whether in Heaven or on earth. He saw the hopeless condition of the world, and came “to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19.10. To do this he took upon himself our nature, Hebrews 2.16, 17."
Eve’s sin was in not believing and holding to God’s simple word. Her unbelief was made complete by her disobedience in eating from the tree.
In the matter of the duty of keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, it is not to be understood that the two can for a moment be separated. The commandments can not be kept except by the faith ofJesus Christ; and the faith of Christ amounts to nothing unless it is manifested in good works - the good works consist in keeping the commandments of God.
15 articles by Alonzo T. Jones have been collected and presented here in a life changing study on the Faith of Jesus set in the Third Angel's Message. This is a message of Righteousness by His faith.
Consecration is simply the constant recognition of the fact that we are the Lord’s and not our own.
He who learns that this is a fact, and lives in the constant living presence and recognition of it as the great fact, —he is consecrated, and this is consecration.
It was Christ who blessed and sanctified the seventh day. Since it was by him that all things were created, it is evident that he must also have rested at the close of the six days of creation. He created, he rested, he blessed, and he sanctified.
Therefore the blessing of the Sabbath day is the blessing of Christ. The blessing of Christ is to turn man away from iniquity. Acts 3:26. The Sabbath, therefore, is for the purpose of turning man away from their sins.