daniel's blog
Who Is Reconciled?
"To say that God is reconciled to a sinner, is to say that God was once opposed to the sinner, but that He has now come round to the guilty one’s position, and agrees with him. This is monstrous." ~ Ellet J. Waggoner
Favorite Articles by E. J. Waggoner
At times it is useful to review some of the best articles posted to date. There are yet hundreds of pages to go, but as of today I have chosen 4 articles that have made a difference in my life. Daniel Peters
Christ the Water of Life
Ellet J. Waggoner
The Spirit is life because of righteousness. This, then, is that birth of the Spirit, which makes one entirely new; it makes the sinner righteous by making him a keeper of the law of God.
Righteousness, the Fruit of the Spirit
Ellet J. Waggoner
Since it was by the anointing of the Spirit that He accomplished all His work here on earth (See Isaiah 61:1-3), it is evident that the presence of the Spirit is the same as the presence of the Lord.
The Cross and the Crucifix
Ellet J. Waggoner
“It is painful to notice in visiting churches throughout the country how frequently a cross is to be seen above the communion table; in fact, it now seems to be considered the correct thing, much to the advantage of the manufacturer and seller of such articles, if to no one else. If the doctrine of the cross were only better understood the dealers in these wares would have little occupation.”
The Power of the Cross
Christ Lifted Up
Ellet J. Waggoner
Paul preached Christ crucified. But you say, “Surely he preached something besides that.
Creation and the Cross
The Obedience of Faith
[The relationship between faith and works is often misunderstood, especially if one finds they are still approaching the Gospel with an Armianian mind set. Ellet J. Waggoner expalins this relationship clearly and brings hope to the one that has become discouraged in all their attempts to make themselves right with God. D. Peters]
"The great characteristic of faith is, that it works. We do not mean that works are attached to it, but works come from it."