Having Begun in the Spirit
The letter to the Galatians was written to correct [a] fearful error, and to show to them and to all people forever that righteousness by faith is in the very truth of the gospel. It was written to make plain that the faith of Jesus Christ, and that alone, saves the soul, at the beginning and at the end and all the way between: that what is received by faith is kept only by faith: that what is begun by faith is completed only by faith: that faith alone sets us in the right way, and faith along keeps us in the right way: that “in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh,” not faith and works, but “faith which works by love” (Gal. 5:6). A. T. Jones
The Righteousness of God
"The Ten Commandments, whether engraved on tables of stone or written in a book, are only statements of the righteousness of God. Righteousness means right doing. It is active. The righteousness of God is God's right doing, His way. And since all His ways are right, it follows that the righteousness of God is nothing less than the life of God. The written law is not action, but only a description of the action. It is a picture of the character of God." Ellet J. Waggoner
No Probation After Death
"But, it being true that the promised Messiah was known from the time of the fall, the supposition that Christ, between his crucifixion and his resurrection, went to preach the gospel to those who lived before the time of Abraham, or before the flood, amounts to nothing." ~Ellet J. Waggoner