Waggoner and the Sabbath in Hebrews
Read these three Waggoner articles as a supplement to this coming weeks Sabbath School Lesson.
1. Resting in God 2. The Rest that Remains 3. A Practical Talk about Sabbath-Keeping
Read these three Waggoner articles as a supplement to this coming weeks Sabbath School Lesson.
1. Resting in God 2. The Rest that Remains 3. A Practical Talk about Sabbath-Keeping
He who rejects salvation today, rejects it forever. “Today” may seem to be a very long day, but be sure that the night is coming.
Genuine faith in the Third Angel’s Message is evinced by a practical reception and of all the truths brought out by it. Among them may be mentioned the spirit of the prophecy. One who does not believe in this is not a believer in the message; it is one of the main points. Compare Revelation 12:17 with Revelation 19:10.
In short, instead of the ministration of the righteousness of God in Christ, they got only the ministration of death; for the very same thing, which is a savor of life to them that believe, is a savor of death to them that do not believe.
Because the church has not known and appreciated its calling, many sincere souls are in doubt as to God’s character, and even His very existence.
What about the prevailing idea that Christians ought to busy themselves with the government of this earth, and that they, above all others, are the ones to whom the government of this world belongs? What do we learn as to the growing idea that the church should interest itself in politics and have a controlling influence in the affairs of State?
Where We See Jesus.—Our attention has been directed to man in his first dominion, crowned with glory and honor. As we look, we see him fall, and as we continue to gaze, with our eyes fixed on the place where he fell, “we see Jesus.” Where do we see Him? —Just where man fell. Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19.10), and the only way to find a thing that is lost, is to go where it is; the only way to pick up one who he has fallen, and who cannot help himself, is to go to the very place where he fell.
“What Is Man?”—This is a question which we must not forget to answer, and the answer must be kept in mind. “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground.” Genesis 2.7. Literally, He “formed man, dust of the ground.” So that God could say to him, “Dust thou art.” God took dust, and set it over the works of His hands. In all his glory and honor, man was but dust. The power was God’s and so was the glory.
Here is the situation: Men have transgressed the commandment, and have forfeited their lives. They are lost. But here comes the message of salvation—
What a world of comfort in that statement that we are “all of one;” that we have exactly the same right to call God our Father that Christ has.